A Cheeky Childhood Friend Found a Suicide Note I’d Written for Fun a Long Time Ago, and as a Result, She Suddenly Became Very Clingy and Wouldn’t Leave Me
It is Christmas Eve, December 24.
It is not snowing, but I can feel it from the illumination glistening all over the city.
There are a lot of couples making out at the meeting place, and I wonder if Kaori and I will be looked at the same way as those couples.
As I waited, wondering if it was okay, I felt the noisy surroundings become even noisier.
As I approached the one with the most noise, I found that there seemed to be some kind of trouble.
“Hey, hey, come hang out with us for a bit, okay?”
“Let’s skip the rendezvous and go have some fun ! It’ll be fun !”
They are what is commonly known as a pick-up artist. They are a savage species of people who try to get their hands on girls without regard, and if they can’t, they will force their way.
But it was Kaori who they were talking to, my acquaintance….and who was meeting up with me.
“Ah……Kaori? Are you okay?”
“! Serito ! Are you okay?
id some weirdo mess with you while I was coming?”
“I’m fine, but…..are you?”
“What? You mean these creeps? I’m totally fine.”
Kaori takes one look at them both with a laugh, as if to get on the nerves of the two pick-up artists.
“You bitch ! !”
“You’re gonna get hurt ! ! !”
I let out a sigh of exasperation and took a step backwards to avoid getting involved.
Kaori moved so lean that I thought she might be an assassin, pressing the pressure point with only her index finger and knocking them both out.
“You just tried to touch Serito……. These guys are dangerous, and now is the time to use the forbidden acupuncture point of instant death–”
“Yes, yes, yes ! Thank God ! ! Let’s go
! !”
“You’re going that far? …..Got it.
You’re lucky, you two.”
Kaori was breathless, but somehow managed to avoid a bloody Christmas Eve.
I can’t stop sweating even though it’s cold outside. I know you’re doing this for me, but you’re making me freaked out, so I wish you’d stop……
“So? We’re gonna see the illumination, but it’s already over.
“There’s still time ! Come on, let’s go.”
She took off one of the gloves she was wearing and handed it to me.
I could feel that’s she wanted to hold my hand. But why did she take them off? It’s a little hard for me to understand.
After thinking about it in a way that I don’t understand, I decided to take off one of the gloves and hold hands with it too.
Then Kaori hides half of her face with a scarf. I can’t see her mouth, but I can see that she is smiling around her eyes, which was probably the right decision.
I thought I was walking with a normal mind, but when I suddenly saw myself reflected in the glass of the store, my ears were red.
This is…..yes, it’s because of the cold. It bothers me when people say my face is red. If you say the cold is the cause, then yes.
I was looking around at the glittering illuminations, but when I suddenly looked at Kaori, I noticed that she was staring at me.
“….Kaori? What’s on your mind?”
“Nn, nothing. It’s so beautiful and lovely.”
“Oh, it’s so sparkly and beautiful…”
“Yeah, that, too.”
‘”……? What?”
“Fufu, it’s fun♪”
Today Kaori seems somehow more fluffy than usual.
I felt like I was going to go blind if I kept looking at Kaori, whose smile was more dazzling than any illumination, so I turned my attention to the Christmas tree, which was clad in glittering lights.
It was getting cold by now, so we decided to exchange gifts.
“Then, I’ll go first. I’m worried that Seriot might die at any moment, so I’m gonna handcuff him here so he can’t go anywhere…..”
“Heee !!?”
“…….Just a joke.”
“Oh, don’t startle me…….”
A joke? When she said that, her eyes looked serious for a moment…well, that’s what Kaori said, so it’s not true.
I managed to calm down my heartbeat, which had begun to race, and received the real present.
“……What’s this?”
“It’s a pair of earrings. It’s called a non-hole earring, the kind you can wear without having to drill a hole. Serito is also very fashionable, so I thought it would be okay to give him something like this.”
The gold and white crescent moon shaped earrings are a little too much for a man like me to wear. Well, I’ll be grateful if I can wear it when I go out with Kaori.
It will be fashionable even if I display it on my desk, and I’m usually happy about it.
“Thank you.”
“I’ll put it on for you, so just sit still.”
“What !? That tickles ! ! Oh, no ! !
“Stop your yelling !”
It tickled so much, but I succeeded in getting her to put it on. I asked her to show me a picture of it on her phone, but I don’t know if it looks good on me or not.
Kaori was beaming with happiness, so I guess it would be okay.
“Then I’m next next. Hoi.”
“This is……”
“Yeah, it’s a necklace ! Oh, what the heck.
I made you anxious with the suicide note and such, so I’ve chosen
Kaori looked at me and the necklace she received, her mouth wide open, wondering about something.
Should I take this as saying that she’s happy?
“Oh…..ah, um, I’m very happy,……! Thanks, Serito.”
“I’m glad. I was worried that it might be a little heavy.”
“That’s not true. Hey, Serito, put it on.”
“Hmm? Well, okay.”
Once the necklace was handed back, I tried to go behind Kaori, but she also opened the store and turned to face me.
When I tried to go around, she moved the same way and could not see my back at all.
“Um…..Kaori san?”
“Put it on. You don’t have to go all the way around to my back, you know?”
“Kuh……! !”
I see…this was the purpose, Shiomine Kaori..!
I let out a sigh, gave up, and moved my arm to her back to put the necklace on while still facing her.
I moved my hands and made sure it was attached safely, and Kaori jumped directly into my chest.
“You know…..you really stand out…….”
“Yeah, I know. But I’m sorry, I might not be able to hold back…I’d like you to let me warm up a little more.”
“Huh…haa. I understand, today is a special day…Happy birthday, Kaori.”
“Ehehe ♡ Merry Christmas, Serito♪”
I hear cheers and whatnot, but I just keep receiving her warmth directly, feeling the embarrassment that melts the cold.