When I Saved a Girl Who Was About to Be Kidnapped and It Turned Out to Be a Princess Who Had Come to Visit in Secret
Lily was oblivious to Victoria’s condition, staring at me and thinking about something.
Then, she slowly opened her mouth, as if she had gathered her thoughts.
[Do you understand English?]
[No, I do not]
Suddenly she spoke to me in English, but it was a simple one, so I answered, “No, I don’t.”
Lily raised her eyebrows in frustration.
“You do understand, don’t you, ……?”
“No, Lily-sama. I thought he could only answer because it was simple English that he learned in Japanese junior high school.”
Victoria taught from behind with a smile, and Lily’s face instantly turned red.
She might be thinking that she has embarrassed herself.
She may be a cheeky girl, but she seems to react in a surprisingly cute way.
“H-Hmm, After all, if you can’t even speak English, you’re not worthy……!”
Lily-chan folds her arms, her face bright red.
She’s kind of a hard girl to hate. ……
I even feel a sense of love for her when she gets this far. ……
In spite of this situation, my initial sense of urgency has all but disappeared.
“So, are you going to do what you originally planned?”
“Yes, of course.”
“I think this is the last place we can turn back. ……”
Victoria-san, who had been acting like a fool until a few minutes ago, suddenly looked at Lily-chan with a serious expression.
In response, Lily nodded her head without a pause.
“I had already decided to do this for the sake of my sister’s happiness.”
Lily-chan nodded with a determined expression that didn’t suit her young features.
She must have something that she wants to accomplish by doing such a forceful thing.
The fact that she said it was for Luna’s happiness and that she brought me here like this is enough for me to know what she wants to do.
There are ways to just let it go and let Luna and the others deal with it later, but a girl who was in elementary school just a few days ago is determined and trying her hardest.
I thought I should have thought a little more about what I was doing, but I decided to at least be sincere in my response to this child’s thoughts.
“I have a proposal for you, Kiriyama-san. No, you may say that I, this princess, have a request to make.”
Yeah, this girl is supercilious even when she is making a request. …… I thought to myself, but I silently listened to her voice.
“I’m going to be frank with you, but please break up with Onee sama. If you dump her, she will give up and get back together with her original fiancé. In return, I will support you so that you and your family can live happily together for the rest of your lives.”
With these words, Lily-chan made a request (?) to me
–without even noticing the small shadow that appeared behind her.