After My Childhood Friend Rejected Me, I Cut My Bangs and Took off My Glasses in Shock, and I Became Popular With the Girls. And I Don’t Like It When She Wants to Be Friends With Me Again…..
“Hey! Rikuto, is Rikuto here!”
As the students were about to leave for home after school in the blink of an eye, a resounding and energetic voice echoed through the third year B class.
It was Haruto, the hot-blooded track and field club member from the next class.
“Haruto, your voice is so loud. What’s wrong?”
“Rikuto! Let’s compete in the mid-term test!”
Haruto’s eyes were already ablaze with flames.
It’s too hot-blooded.
“Fine, but I always hope without disclosing my name, so I can’t be too public about it, okay?”
At this school, test results for all students are made public in a big way. However, anonymity is maintained, and students can choose whether or not to disclose their names.
“I don’t care! I’ll win with my head because I lost with my feet!
Remember that! By the way, I’m fully open in every test I’ve ever taken! I’m in the top ten every time, so be prepared! See you later!”
With these words, Haruto strode away.
The class is quiet and everyone’s eyes are on me.
“Ah, I’m sorry for the trouble …….”
I was embarrassed for some reason because I couldn’t get the words out at all.
I felt that I could have responded in a more humorous way.
At times like this, Sumi is the one I should be able to count on. ……
Sure enough, Sumi-kun tapped me on the shoulder with a cheerful smile.
“Let’s play a game with me too! If you beat me, I’ll buy you an ice cream!”
He gives me a thumbs-up, but I’m not sure if it’s really a good idea.
“….. Sumi, you’re at the level where you’re fighting for the bottom of the grade, aren’t you? I’ll definitely win unless I’m absent.
Then I think I’ll have the expensive chocolate Gojba’s ice cream.”
“Ah, I’ll join you then! I can’t beat Inoshita-kun, but I can beat Washimi-kun!”
When I accepted the challenge, Minami, who was standing next to me, also raised her hand in good spirits.
She was smiling with rather serious eyes.
It seemed that she smelled a chance to eat ice cream for free.
Everyone in the class raised their hands one after another in response to Minami.
Me too! Almost everyone decided to compete with Sumi.
“Nononono! That’s a joke! Hey, don’t look at me like that, everyone! Don’t challenge me to a match!”
The class burst into laughter at the same time Sumi-kun let out a sad cry.
In the end, Sumi-kun, who was sure to lose, did not accept a match with anyone and was taken to an empty classroom after school by the teacher.
His grades were so bad that even though it was before the test, he had to take a make-up class beforehand.
Poor guy. ……